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Saturday, 29 May 2021

Interview questions and answers for front end developer

Interview questions and answers for front end developer :

In this post we're going to be talking all about the four common questions front and developers get and the answers to go along with them to help you in your next interview.

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 My name is shyam.Today I provide you the questions and answers for front end developer. In total we're going to cover for questions today.

 What is Ajax what is responsive design the pros and cons of node and what is a RESTful API. 

 Let's jump right into the first one. What is Aja reason? why we are asking this Ajax question? is it is extremely crucial for you as a front end developer to know how to communicate between a client and a server?.More than likely the employer will want to validate that you know how to do that. Because everybody's apps nowadays rely on data and if you can't get the data or know how to work with the data. Well we have a problem. 

So let's get into the question. Ajax is asynchronous JavaScript in XML. Ajax communicates by transferring data between the client and the server using XHR which stands for XML HTTP request. Ajax is like a phone call. Once you dial the phone number and hit send the request is sent off and it comes back with someone on the other line. You don't have to worry about how it transfers the data at all. All you have to think about is what to say and to do next. Much like your code. Ultimately the experience the world gets from the Internet that we know and love would not be possible without asynchronous javascript and XML.

 The next question is responsive design. What is it. Now why are we asking about responsive design. Well we are asking about responsive design here because as a front end developer it's not just about building logic for you. It's not just about connecting to APIs. It's also about designing the user experience that will ultimately get the customers to enjoy your product. We have to prove to your potential employer that you know how to build responsive designs based on the user experience they've asked for.

 So let's get into the question. Responsive Web Design is an approach to web design that makes the Web pages render well on a variety of devices and window screens and sizes. This is all done by creating elements that respond differently when using things like flex box media queries and responsive libraries. If we look back at how we used to do it years ago you would see how you basically had to build two sites one for your main domain and a second for the mobile domain. Now building out an entire responsive site can take more time in the upfront costs of ours because as a developer you have to design and implement all the different viewports you want to support. But in the end the payoff will be huge because of the experience your customers will receive and the time the team will get back in the long run. 

On to the next question what are the pros and cons of nodeJS the reason here why we're talking about the pros and cons of node is more or less to point out that the pros and cons question can be asked on any technology you have. But it's becoming more apparent as front end developers with react or angular that you have to know how to use something such as node. It's no longer just JavaScript HTML and CSS. You have to be able to know one of these front end frameworks that ultimately require node. 

Now let's jump into the pros and cons of node nodeJS is a runtime environment based off Chrome's V8 engine. It allows you to write server side code with JavaScript. 

Let's go through some pros and cons starting with the pros. It has an async event driven IO which helps it with concurrent requests on a single thread.

 The next pro is that is using the language of JavaScript which opens the doors for a lot of developers to use. NodeJS. 

next pro is it has the largest package management system in the world with NPM and it's completely open source and free for anyone to use and to publish packages.

 The last pro here is that nodeJS is extremely good at short iterative requests because of its architecture and majority apps in the world only need short iterative requests so node fits the bill for a lot of applications. 

Let's go to the other side of spectrum let's talk about some cons. First and foremost the biggest con we have is scaling since it's single threaded it doesn't scale the best. 

The second con is it doesn't do well with CPU intensive tasks and the next con I have for you is that as good as NPM is in the open source world is for node it's also its biggest con and I say that because of how malicious code can be injected in to the network can be potentially injected into the network. 

And last but not least from a cons perspective it doesn't do that well with unhandled error exceptions that most developers don't know how to catch properly. Nor is it discussed about or easily implemented for you to make sure you're catching everything more often not. It'll just error out and kill the program. My experience with node over the last five years has been absolutely amazing and has done amazing things for me as a developer. Not only have I join a thriving community that I've now integrated with fully I have been able to give back to the community with some my own NPM packages where on average I get about a million downloads per year of people using my software. 

Onto the next question. What is a RESTful API. Now why are we asking what is a RESTful API here. And it's because your employer not only wants to know that you can connect through Ajax from the client to the server but they want to know you know how to integrate with a well-designed API. 

And like I said in the last one with nodeJS it's becoming also more apparent for front end developers that you sometimes have to go build out your own RESTful API is in nodeJS. Because even though this video's called front end and we're talking about front end things front end developers are more often not becoming full stack developers because of node and we have to know how to build out an API or how to use a properly formatted API such as a restful architecture.

 Let's get into the question of what is restful rest stands for representational state transfer. It's an architectural approach to designing Web services. The common HTTP methods used by most RESTful web APIs is our get put post delete and patch. In my experience the beauty of using a properly designed RESTful API is that you know a couple of things. And by that I mean the methods will start to paint a really good picture of the API and how to use it. 

For example we know we get a get method and the route is API / blog / whatever the ID is. I know by that that I will get one item back if I take the ID off. I know I will get all blogs back. If I'm making a put route with the ID I will update some or if I change it to a post method it will create if you like post like this make sure you to comment  and hit notification bell to get more content like this in the future. 

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