Increase height : How to increase height naturally?
Increase height by following simple steps.
Hello Friends! Welcome to my blog . So, in this post I will share with you 6 ways by which you can stimulate your human growth hormone and push your height.
Now, one among these ways is irrespective of your age. So if you are 20, 25 or even 30, this would apply to you.
At the end of this post , I am going to share with you a very easy and effective Ayurvedic home remedy. Now before you jump to the end of this post ,let me tell you that that home remedy is linked to the factors which we are going to discuss right now.
1. First is nutrition. Nutrition is the most important factor after genetics. Giving proper fuel to the body improves the growth process. So make sure you have a balanced diet. The primary macronutrient which is responsible for the growth of the body and which unfortunately is missing in our Indian lifestyle is protein.
Now, where do you get protein from? Egg whites, chicken breast, paneer, fish,pulses, tofu, soya beans, soya chunks. So these are all great sources of protein which should be in your diet on a daily basis. Now, calcium is one mineral is very important to increase bone density and strength.
All the dairy products and green leafy vegetables are a great source of calcium. Now, for the body to effectively absorb calcium it is very important to have the daily dose of vitamin D. The best source of vitamin D available to us is sunlight. So make sure you go out in the sun. Then zinc, iron are also responsible for the growth of the body. You can get them from green leafy vegetables.
So, all in all, you have to have a protein rich diet which is well balanced with carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Not only it will stimulate the production of growth hormone but also it will keep your immune system strong. The lesser you will fall ill, the faster you will grow.
2. Next is sleep. Our body actually grows when we are sleeping. Research shows that growing teenagers and pre teens need about 8-11 hours of sleep at night. But do you know that the way you sleep can define your growth? Yes. The best way to sleep is on your back without a pillow. It would be even better if you can keep the pillow under your knees. This is considered to be the most natural posture for spine.
3. Next is avoid growth inhibitors. Now if you are looking to gain some height you should avoid alcohol, smoking, steroids, drugs and even junk food. Alcohol is found to inhibit growth and affect the natural functioning of the body. Smoking increases the level of carbon monoxide in the blood which limits the flow of nutrients. Thus, stunting the growth. Junk food is high in saturated fats and low in nutrients. It interferes with the production of the growth hormone.
4. Next is exercise. It is said that exercise stimulates the nerve ends which are directly associated with the pituitary gland. The gland then secretes more HGH which can lead to the increase even after the typical growth ages. So the best exercises that you can do to push your height is sprinting, cycling, skipping or any other aerobic exercises which involve jumping and sprinting will result in the longer and stronger bones.
5. Next is stretching. Stretching is the best way to release stress on your lower back and let your spine elongate to itβs full length. Regular stretches can lead to increase in height. Now, there are various stretching exercises that you can do. Some of these are surya namaskar, chakrasana,toe touches, cobra stretch, pull ups or even just hanging. Now, I had write a post on workout stretches.
In that post I had shown some great exercises which can help you straighten the spine and also relieve you from any kind of back pain problems. So I suggest you to check it out soon.
Now I can understand that stretching could be a little boring. So what you can do is you can play some sports which will automatically stretch your body. Swimming and basketball are great sports inthis regard.
6. Next is posture. Now this one is irrespective of your age. A slouched posture not only makes you look shorter but also less impressive. So always sit or stand in an upright position. Trust me, this one is a game changer. Regular massage helps in improving body posture.
Now letβs talk about the home remedy. Well, it is very easy. All you need to do is take one tablespoon spoon of Ashwagandha powder also known as Indian Gensing and mix it in 1 glass of warm cow milk. As a source of sugar, add jaggery. Have this milk before going to sleep at night.
Now, Ashwagandha is a very powerful herb which is known to stimulate the HGH indirectly. It also contains some minerals which help broaden the bone structure. Follow this home remedy for at least 45 days to see some visible results.
Well having said all this, let me tell you that height is not as important as personβs character or attitude. Appearance in general is a little overrated. But anyway, try your level best and leave the rest.
So friends, I hope you found this post helpful. Well, if you did, please share it . And also, please do remember to comment on my blog for such kind of posts . My name is Shyam, I thank you so much for reading this post .
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