Seven Signs You areGoing to be Successful. What are the chances of you making it? How likely are you going to be successful? After interviewing hundreds and meeting with hundreds of CEOs, athletes, celebrities, some of themost successful people in the world, I asked myself the question, what is it that makes thesuccessful successful?
I've always been fascinated by the mindset of the super successful, their discipline, their focus, their determination in the face of difficulties. What makes them different? These are not theories. These are signs. Let's see how many ofthese signs do you have. Comment below. Sign number one. Successful people have great habits.
Unsuccessful people have lousy habits, habits like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, watching too much TV. You see, successful people are where they are todaybecause of their habits. Habits determine 95%of a person's behavior. Everything that you are today, everything that you will accomplish in the future, isdetermined by the quality of the habits that you form. What I've found that, is the very best people have the best habits.
You see, successful people are simply those with successful habits. Successful habits could be getting up in the morning, meditate,reading, exercising regularly. How many of these habits do you have? Sign number two. Successful people are incredibly driven. How driven are you? Now, I'm not talking aboutyou being a nightmare to work with or bullying other people. I'm talking about you pushingyourself to get results.
It's your personal drives that turns your ideas into actions into results. It is your personal drive that keeps you going when things get tough. It is your personal drives that enables you to bounce back fromdisappointment, from setback. So how driven are you? Or are you lazy? Do you procrastinate? Do you put things off? You see, for the first five years of my career, I didn'ttake a single day off. I was working 10, 12, 14hours every single days for five year straight. Why? Because I was driven. I was driven to provide for my family. I was driven to prove other people wrong. And today I am driven by my mission. How driven are you? Sign number three.
Successful people areconfident in their abilities. You see, the two biggest enemies to success, number one, self-doubt, and number two, fear of the unknown. We struggle with self-doubt. We worry, are we ready for this? Are we good enough? Do we actually have whatit takes to succeed? Confidence is nothing morethan believing in yourself, and believing in yourselves is nothing more than doing the things that you once didn't believe that you could do. You see, confidence comes from competence. It's easy to believe in yourself when everyone believes in you. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about believing in yourself when you're not ready, believing in yourselfwhen no one believes you, believing in yourselfwhen everyone doubts you, that you cannot do it,that you cannot make it, that you don't have what it takes.
That is when you need to develop that unshakeable self-confidence, that belief that you can do it. And confidence is notthe same as arrogance. You see, arrogance is thinking that you're above everybody else. Confidence is knowingthat no one is above you. Do you feel confident enough in your own abilities thatyou can do what it takes? Are you willing to bet on yourself? Not just words, but action, how often you invest in yourself. Are you willing to put everything you have on the line for yourgoals and for your dreams? Do you bet on yourself? Or do you procrastinate? Do you hesitate? Are you a perfectionist? Do you suffer from paralysis analysis? You might have the best ideas and most brilliant ideas in the world, but if you cannot articulate those ideas, you don't know how to communicate those ideas to other people,you won't go anywhere. And communication skillscome in many forms.
I'm talking about writing their email, or writing their social media posts, or conducting that meeting,or speaking one-on-one, speaking on the phone, talking with a prospect, or even speakingto large groups of people. All those falls undercommunication skills. One of the things that I did that changed my life early on in my career is I joined Toastmasters to hone and develop my public speaking skills. I was also learning from a mentor to develop my copywriting skill which is communicationin the written forms, how to use words in print topersuade, influence somebody.
So all successful people, they have this one thing in common, the ability to influence, persuade,and inspire other people. Sign number five. They have a growth mindset. Mark Cuban reads three hours a day. Bill Gates reads atleast one hour per day. I go through two to three books per week. For years now, I'm stillconstantly learning all the time. And I'm not just talkingabout reading a book. It could be listening to a podcast, talking to other successful people, getting coaching from your mentors. But successful people,we're always learning and growing, and we never stop. One time I was asking avery successful person out for lunch. He's been very successfulfor so many years.
He's in a merger and acquisitions space. He's had multiple successful exits, so multiple companies,at a very young age. When we sat down and we're sitting across each other, andwhen we had that meal, the first thing that he did is he pulled out a journal and taking notes, and started asking me questions, learning. I was the one who wanted to learn from him, but it turns outinto a learning session, that he's learning from me. I'll never forget that, because you see, the more you know, the moreyou realize you don't know. The less you know, themore you think you know. Sign number six. Successful people embrace failures. Do you embrace failures? Or do you take failures personally? You see, successful people, they are ridiculously positive about their future. They always speak positivelyabout their future, where things are going, as if it's already happened, even though there's no way that it could happen.
They believe in themselves. They have positive expectationsabout their future. Walt Disney was firedby news editors saying that he had no imaginationand no creativity. Steven Spielberg was rejected three times by film school beforegetting his huge break. Colonel Sanders, at the age of 56, got rejected a thousand times for his recipe before arestaurant picks it up. You will notice, themost successful people in any field, they are usually the ones who have failedmore than anybody else.
You see, the differencebetween a successful person and everyone else is not a lack of strength, it's not a lack of knowledge. It's a lack of will. Winston Churchill said it best, "Success is going from failure "to failure without losing enthusiasm." Take sales and closing for example. The most successful salespeople, the highest-paid successful closers in the world, guess what. They are the ones whoexperience rejections on a day-to-day basis more than anybody else, and that'swhat makes them successful. Success is on the razor's edge of failure. Sign number seven. They have high EQ. Not IQ, but EQ. They may not be the smartestpeople in the world, but they surround themselveswith smart people. They may not be the beststudents in the world, but yet they demonstrate a high degree of emotional intelligence. You see, when it comes tosuccess, EQ eats IQ for breakfast. Now, IQ, mostly it's genetic,what you're born with. However, EQ could be developed,learned, and refined. Successful people, they have a high degree of emotional intelligence, meaning that they don't crack under pressure. They stay calm. They know how to deal with stress. They know how to deal with anxiety, even when things don't go their way. Successful people arealso very self-aware, meaning that they knowwhat they're good at, what they're not good at,what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are. They know how to manage their emotions. They refuse to feel inadequate, resentful, disappointedwhen failure hits them. So how many of these signs do you have? How likely are you going to be successful? If you have a few of thesesigns, congratulations.
Chances of you becomingsuccessful, it's quite high. If you have all thesesigns, then the chances of you becoming successfulis very, very high. Now, having these signs is one thing, but you need one more thing, and that is, you combine your signs with skills. That's how you truly become successful. Signs, this is just your potential. How do you turn yourpotential into profit? You need skill. My new book, Unlock It, I'm gonna give you the key, the key that you need to unlock all that potential within you. Click a link below andget your copy today. If you like my work,if you enjoy my videos, you'll love my new book, Unlock It. Go ahead. Click a link and get your copy today.
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Thanks guys