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Friday, 12 June 2020

How To Become More Productive ?

How to become more productive 2021 ? 

First you need to think of the things that motivate you to work and to study establish the goals you're trying to accomplish and connecting your tasks to those goals is the thing that triggers a productive mood and makes you feel the urge to do something to reach those goals.

 Visually represent those by writing them down and keep that list with you at all times so you can remember why you need to study and work so hard for something. Slowly incorporate those goals in your daily life - that's actually the basis of a productive routine and I like to do so by writing specific tasks in my planner or bullet journal that relates to those goals and step-by-step let me accomplish them in the time span that I determined myself. 

Translating goals into tasks turns a very abstract concept into something palpable and reachable and that's the best and fastest way to reach the things you set out to do step-by-step while managing your time. 

 I talk about planning and bullet journaling and how those things can translate into efficient time management routines. 

Time management is a soft skill that you need to start practicing and perfecting as soon as you can because it can save your life so many times and make you feel less stressed out and strained both during school, college and also during your work life. Getting used to writing things down and manage when where and how you will accomplish them can be a strange task at the beginning but as you incorporate that daily routine into your life, it will become a natural thing and something that you will constantly apply during your life besides using a paper planner to manage your tasks and all the things you need to get done, using a time management app can be a great tool in the beginning because in the long run it makes you understand how you are using your time and how you can improve that usage and reorganize your days so you can get the most out of them for productive work or leisure.

 Forest which is the app you are seeing here lets you set a timer for productive time and while the timer is running a tree grows in the background as you accumulate those blocks of time a small forest will grow and that is actually a visual representation of how productive you were doing that day. A bigger forest means a very productive day and the smaller forest means you need to work harder also this app recognizes if you're opening other apps and if you do so, the tree that was growing will die and you will have the representation of a withered tree in your phone. 

Another thing that can completely kill productivity is not having enough leisure time you need to have different mindsets one for leisure time and one for work and those mindsets need to correspond to different attitudes. 

If you are constantly studying, not having enough leisure time, you will not focus as well or have enough motivation to continue study since you don't have anything to look forward to. Always save time to do the things you love and reward yourself with a whole day without having to touch a single book speaking of mindsets another thing that is so important to be productive is to establish certain rituals around your productive time.

 The fact that you prepare a study session in advance, by surrounding yourself with signals that your brain identify as ritual towards productivity will turn work time into something natural. For me that means throwing on some comfortable clothes brew a cup of coffee lighting a candle or playing the same playlist on Spotify as usual. 

As soon as I do those things i instantly feel more prepared to start my study session because I feel comfortable and undisturbed. I tried to turn something as stressful as studying law into a relaxing moments so I feel positive while I'm studying and not carry along worries and other hassles into my routine. Another thing i always recommend and I've said this over and over again, is just spending ten minutes writing down everything you need to do, so you can rid your mind of the small things that you need to get done. This can be as big as submitting your final paper or something as small as paying your phone bill.

 Accumulating unwritten tasks and constantly going through them in your mind just makes you lose precious time that could be used in doing something useful. Finally, I think it's important to spice things up a bit and give a new perspective to your work routine. If you're thinking of studying for a large span of years, studying, as a task in itself, can be pretty boring if you use the same methods over and over again. 

That is the main reason why I use so many different note-taking methods or color coding schemes. It's just because I get very bored, very soon, and mainly because i usually don't enjoy studying or working on the actual things i should be studying or working on, and I mainly prefer to research on subjects that are actually not the object of my course. 

That's why I enjoy the studyblr community so much, because I learned so much about different ways to learn your materials and organize information and I end up transporting that knowledge into both my self-made research and college as well I hope you enjoyed this content. 

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