Best guns in pubg mobile 2021
In android game pubg mobile by tencent company the most important is to defend enemies. To defend enemies we need some equipments like guns, granade, smog, vehicles and many more.
So i am here to give information about most powerful guns in player unknown battleground mobile (pubg). With the help of these guns you defeat your enemies very easily.
So i am given the information of top 5 assault guns in pubg mobile and i have not included drop guns, snipers and shot guns etc.
Top 5 Assault guns in pubg mobile:
5 .G36C :
- Only found in vikendi.
- Base damage is 41.
- Rate of fire of this gun is 0.086 sec.
- Range is 350 m.
- It only have 30 bullets.
- It requires only 5.56 mm bullets.
- Reload duration of the guΓ± is 3.8 sec.
- Speed of bullets is 870 m/sec.
- Stability of this gun is 64 out of 100.
4. Scar-L :
- Only available in erangle and miramar.
- Base damage is 41.
- Rate of fire of this gun is.0.096 sec.
- Range of this gun is 350 m.
- It have only 30 bullets.
- It requires 5.56 mm bullets.
- Reload duration of the gun is 2.2 sec.
- Speed of bullets of this gun is 870 m/sec.
- Stability of this gun is 63 out of 100.
- It has 9000 body heat in backpack.
- It available in all maps.
- Base damage is 41.
- Rate of fire of this gun is 0.086 sec.
- It have only 30 bullets.
- It have 5.56 mm bullets.
- Reload of this gun is 2.1 sec.
- Speed of the bullets is 880 m/sec.
- Stability of theb gun is 63 out of 100.
- It has 3500 body heat in backpack.
2. M762:
- It available in all maps.
- Base damage is 46.
- Rate of fire of this gun is 0.086 sec.
- Rate of this gun is 380 m.
- It only have 30 bullets.
- It requires 7.62mm bullets.
- Reload duration of this gun is 2.9 sec.
- Speed of the bullet is 715 m /sec.
- Stability of this gun is 61 out of 100.
- It has 10000 heat in backpack.
1. AKM :
- Available in all maps.
- Base damage is 48.
- Rate of fire is 0.1 sec.
- Range of this gun is 380 m.
- It can only have 30 bullets.
- It requires 7.62 mm bullets.
- Reload duration of gun is 2.9 sec.
- Speed of bullets is 715 m /sec.
- Stability of gun is 61 out of 100.
- It has 10000 body heat in bagpack.
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